About Us

Vision Statement

Providing innovations to increase operational efficiency for Child Care Centers, decrease cost of Child Care for parents, and eliminate unnecessary hurdles for teachers.

Mission Statement.

We will accomplish our vision by creating tools that increase the operational efficiency of Child Care Centers, decrease the cost of Human Resource Management, and ultimately decrease the cost of Child Care for parents.

About Child Care Forward

Child Care suffers from many inefficiencies – some that are easy to eliminate and some that are so entrenched that it may take a decade or so to eliminate. An example of the latter is staff turnover. Even before the pandemic, that is before March 2020, there was high turnover in the industry – not a surprising fact. Taking care of children all day long is not easy, and teachers can burn out. Additionally, there is no staffing support from the local government – like there is for the public school system (such as a substitute pool to draw from when staffing shortages occur). There were, of course many other problems before March 2020. Add to these the COVID pandemic, the great resignation, and other economic strains since the pandemic, and there are certainly more hardships to face. Many Child Care centers have shut down, the cost of Child Care has increased, and staffing shortages have increased exponentially. The issues are myriad, some easy to solve and some not. Our goal is to start with problems that have easy solutions, such as making the paperwork to get hired easier and faster for teachers. Meanwhile, we will also be working on some of the harder problems, such as convincing the local government to provide Child Care the same support they provide for public school system teachers. Our goal is to work methodically and scientifically, to gather solid evidence for changing the system in a way that makes Child Care efficient for Centers, affordable for parents, and easier for teachers.